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Dentocare provides the most advanced care to patients with compromised oral and facial conditions that have resulted from trauma, birth defects and head and neck cancer.  



  • Dental implants

  • Craniofacial implants

  • Zygomatic implants

  • Teeth-in-day

  • All-on-4  concept dental rehabilitation

  • Metal-Free crowns

  • 3D printing and digital dentistry.

  • Virtual prosthetic and surgical planning

  • Esthetics without compromising function.

  • Facial prosthetics including auricular, nasal and orbital

  • Speech aid prosthetics such as palatal drops, palatal lilts and soft palate bulbs

  • Cleft lip and palate prosthodontics

  • Nasal Alveolar Molding

  • Obturators; patatal and pharyngeal


We specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of any disease affecting the mouth, jaws, face and neck. This includes surgical dentistry (impacted wisdom teeth, dental cysts, dental implants etc), as well as injuries to the face, salivary gland problems, cancers of the head and neck, facial deformity, oral medicine, (ulcers, red/white patches, mouth cancer), facial pain and temporomandibular joint disorders. To plan and place dental implants.


Impacted wisdom teeth:

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to emerge in the mouth, around 18yrs of age. When it starts emerging, the other teeth are mostly settled in their positions, and in some instances there is not enough space to accommodate the wisdom teeth. This leads to the teeth getting stuck within the jaw bone causing various problems ( sore gums, damage to other teeth, infection) and needs Surgical removal. The surgical procedure can be scary and uncomfortable for the patient if not handled correctly.


Our team of specialists has over the years devised standard procedures and protocols to minimize the pain, discomfort and complications that may result from surgical removal of wisdom teeth. We also have in-house advanced diagnostics , advanced equipment and fine instruments  that allow detailed view and therefore best treatment for even the most complicated conditions.


Advanced Dental Implants:

Dental implants are the best options available for replacing missing teeth today. Many a times, loss of teeth is accompanied by loss of tooth bearing bone in the jaws which rules out traditional dental implant placement. Our team of implantologists is able to provide advanced procedures like bone grafting or specialized implants which are placed higher above the jaw-bones like Zygoma implants or Pterygoid implants. These are technically advanced procedure which benefits from the advanced diagnostic options as well as an experienced team for the best result. Dentocare dental offers every patient the best, in terms of both technology and experience.

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Jaw joint (TMJ) problems:

The Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) connects your lower jaw to your skull. It’s that little “hinge” right in front of the ears. Problems with the ideal functioning of this joint may cause issues like pain in your jaw, jaw-popping, stiffness, and headaches. Diagnosis and treatment for these conditions is complex. We have teams of experienced and specially trained Maxillofacial Surgeons and Diagnosticians to provide you the best care.Treatment of such problems may start with oral devices, pain medication, and ice packs but in more severe cases may requires arthrocentesis (injections within the joint) or even open surgery. We bring the surgical experience to provide full range of these treatments.

Cosmetic Jaw correction (Orthognathic) surgery:

It is the surgery of facial bones to achieve significant changes in the appearance of the face. It is done by surgically improving the position and relation of the jaws as well as the teeth that provides improved looks as well as better speech, breathing or chewing experience in many cases. It’s an option for people with excessive overbites or underbites, trouble chewing or swallowing, certain birth defects, or sleep apnea. We at DENTOCARE have a wide experience with such procedures that have dramatically improved not only the looks but also the quality of life for many patients over the years. Our results are helped by the full face scans and 3D printing available in-house that helps with simulating the entire surgery and providing predictable and satisfactory outcomes.

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Facial and Jaw injuries:

Face and mouth region are very commonly affected in many types of mishaps or accidents resulting in injuries that can cause fractures of jaws or other bones in the face. We have a long track record for fixing wide variety of such broken bones in the face. Facial injuries can also result in long term issues like scarring or other cosmetic changes in the facial structures. Our surgeons are well versed with managing such long term defects resulting from such accidents as well.

​Cysts and tumors of the jaws: 

These are pathological growths which damage the jaws from inside. Usually they present like small swelings in the initial period, but can cause severe destruction over time. We have dealt with such issues regularly and proficiently. the experience available in our team allows best possible surgical treatment while minimizing the complications and maintaining your quality of life after the treatment.



Oral and maxillofacial reconstruction involves surgical procedures to restore the shape and appearance of the structures of your face and mouth after head and neck cancer, congenital and developmental conditions or traumatic injuries.

Oral and facial injuries, especially for patients with head and neck cancers, includes not only treating the disease itself, but also restoring any parts of your face or mouth affected by treatment. People who choose oral and facial reconstruction report feeling and looking better after their head and neck cancer experience.


Our advanced approach to treatment also results in faster functional recovery, improved esthetics and health, and a better quality of life for patients.

Prosthodontics and Facial Prosthetics

Dentocare Clinic provides the highest volume of prosthodontic maxillofacial care in the region, and is among the top clinics in the nation.

As a high-volume clinic, our specialists routinely perform procedures that may be done only occasionally at other locations. Studies have shown that surgeons who perform higher volumes of procedures are more likely to deliver the best possible outcomes for patients.

We offer several prosthetic approaches depending on your individual needs, including:

  • Facial Prosthesis

  • Mandibular Resection Prosthesis

  • Obturator Prosthesis

  • Palatal Augmentation (Drop) Prosthesis

  • Palatal Lift Prosthesis

  • Zygomatic Implants

Facial Prosthesis

Facial prosthetics artificially replace parts of your face, including the ears and nose, that may be missing or were injured because of surgery, trauma or a congenital absence.


Mandibular Resection Prosthesis

Mandibular resection prosthesis helps to maintain the position of your jaws (maxillae and mandible) to improve speech and swallowing after trauma or surgery to your mandible or nearby parts of your mouth.


Obturator Prosthesis

An obturator prosthesis is used to close, cover, or maintain the inside of your mouth or nose. This type of prosthesis can help people with conditions such as cancer, cleft palate, or bone death due to radiation of the palate (osteoradionecrosis).

This type of prosthetic device replaces tissues that were lost because of a disease, treatment or defect, and can improve speech, swallowing and chewing.


Palatal Lift Prosthesis

A palatal lift prosthesis elevates your soft palate and helps restore its functions that were lost because of an acquired, congenital or developmental defect. This type of prosthesis can help improve speech and swallowing.


Palatal Augmentation (Drop) Prosthesis

A palatal augmentation (drop) prosthesis changes your hard and/or soft palate to improve your tongue’s mobility. This affects the way your tongue and palate make contact and can improve speech and swallowing.


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